Washing household soap 72% 150gr


ისარგებლე უფასო მიწოდებით მინიმუმ 100 ლარის შენაძენზე.

  • უსწრაფესი მიტანა
  • მრავალფეროვანი ანგარიშსწორების მეთოდები


Product Type: washing soap
Volume: 150 gr

Country of manufacture: Turkey


Information in details:
The components that make up natural soap do not cause allergies and are an excellent antiseptic.

Because of its antibacterial properties it is the most economical way to keep your kitchen clean.

Removes the most difficult stains. An excellent detergent for washing baby clothes as it does not cause allergies;

It has a pronounced antimicrobial property, so it is suitable for washing the skin of the body and face.


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